Delete the file called NeroPatentActivation.exe from "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Shared\NL3".
Open Nero Control Center by clicking:
Start->All Programs->Nero 8->Nero Toolkit->Nero ControlCenter
Click on Updates tab on the left panel. Uncheck the box that says: "Check for updates every: XXX days"

Click on License tab on the left panel. Then click on Add and add your serial numbers.
Your Nero 8 should now work and be activated permanently.
If this works for you, or if I missed a step, please let me know thanks!
it works like charm.. thanks a lot...
Yeah, that worked like magic. Thank you.
worked sweet as bro
Thank you!!
Você é o cara !!! Valeu, funciona beleza !!!
Thank you!! it works. you are smart.
Thanks you helped me a lot dude. Just like magic its amazing!
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